A dental implant is a precision-manufactured, medical grade titanium fixture that is placed into the jawbone to replace the root of a missing natural tooth. An implant can support a single crown or it may be part of a series of implants, that support a bridge or fixed denture, where there are multiple missing teeth.

The titanium implant bonds with the jawbone to form a stable and secure platform to which a crown or bridge or fixed denture can be attached

Sometimes it’s not possible to save a natural tooth. Periodontal disease, decay, cracked teeth, infection, accidents, and complications with chronic medical conditions can all lead to the loss of natural teeth.

Having an implant restoration involves a significant amount of planning and then a collaboration between us, the oral surgeon or periodontist and the ceramist at the dental laboratory.


Implant restorations involve 4 phases:

Planning phase.

The planning phase involves acquiring records which may involve, photos, x-rays, models and scans and then liaising with other members of the team to plan the procedures. A temporary denture or retainer may be required. Pre-procedures such as whitening if required will be completed during this phase. A custom colour match is also completed.

Surgical phase

The oral surgeon or periodontist will place the implant (and will remove the failing natural tooth/teeth if it is still present, ensuring that the maximum amount of bone is preserved). Sometimes bone grafting may be required. The surgeon will monitor the healing of the implant and once it is integrated with the bone, you will be referred back to us for the restorative phase of treatment.

Restorative phase

Once the implant has integrated with the jawbone, we are able to complete the crown or bridge or fixed denture on the implant/s. This involves a close working relationship with the laboratory who fabricate the frameworks and complete the ceramic or acrylic work. Once we establish the correct fit and aesthetics the final restoration is secured into place.

Maintenance phase

Maintenance is critical to the success of implant therapy. Meticulous home care around the surface of the restoration is paramount. We will undertake periodic x-rays and measurements to monitor the health of your implant. Regular cleaning by a dental hygienist will help ensure your implant restoration lasts you a long time.

Contact us today!

If you want to have a healthy wonderful smile, the first step is to organise an appointment.
Complete the form below to schedule an appointment or ask a question.
Alternatively, contact our clinic on 03 9349 2591. We will be in contact to confirm your appointment.